In today’s fast-paced and competitive work environment, kindness may not always be the first attribute that comes to mind. However, fostering a culture of kindness in the workplace is not only crucial for employee well-being but also for overall organizational success. The Kindness Chronicles aims to explore the…

In May 2023, the U.S. Surgeon General published a report on the effects of widespread loneliness and isolation for people across the U.S. In the document, Dr. Viviek H. Murthy claims, “loneliness is far more than just a bad feeling–it harms both individual and societal health.…

To help you achieve your kindness resolutions for 2024 we’ve compiled a list of books you might find helpful:
A Culture of Kindness: for the Leaders of the Future by Nahla Summers
For workplace leaders and employees alike. The core tenet discussed in the book is that…

In a couple of days, people from around the world will be celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Week (RAKW). From February 11th – 17th, everyone is encouraged to take this week to get in the habit of completing kind acts towards others, ourselves, and the world…